Our Mission

Helping people help themselves by offering quality financial services for the benefit of all members.

Our Vision

Rosenort Credit Union will be the primary provider of financial services in their primary market area. We will achieve this vision through the following:

  • Member Ownership and Direction:  It will be responsive to and directed by members who are informed and engaged in the credit union and community it serves.
  • Service Quality:  It will build lasting relationships with members through the provision of personalized and professional quality service.
  • Products & Services:  It will provide members with high-quality financial products and services to enhance their quality of life.
  • Convenience & Accessibility:  It will provide members with the means to access the financial services they require when they need them and through the channels they prefer.
  • Competitive Pricing:  It will provide members with fair and competitive rates and prices on all products and services
  • Co-operation & Collaboration:  It will work together with co-operative organizations that bring value to the common goal of serving its members better.
  • Security and Integrity:  It will continuously build financial strength and professional competency for the benefit of members.

Our Core Values

Rosenort Credit Union supports the values of respect, integrity, service and excellence.  Each value is reflected in the creation of our vision, the delivery of the mission, and how we interact with each other and our members. The values are defined as:

  • Respect for people: All individuals are highly valued and shall be treated equitably
  • Integrity: All directors and staff of Rosenort Credit Union shall be reliable in their word, honouring commitments and promises
  • Service: We steward the assets and affairs of the Credit Union for the benefit of our members.
  • Excellence: In all we do, we are committed to the highest standards of performance, competence, and efficiency

Deposits guaranteed 100% by the Deposit Guarantee Corporation of Manitoba