
Whether you are purchasing your first car, starting a renovation project on your home, or opening a new business, we are here to help make your dreams become a reality. We'll take the time to arrange for you the best possible mortgage and loan options to meet your specific needs. Our competative rates and flexible payment schedules offer you the best options in today's marketplace. Advance and extra payments can be made at any time without additional charges. Our local decision making process allows your application to be processed more quickly so you can get the funding you need to fuel your dreams.


Regular Loans

Our variety of loans and mortgages are as unique as our members. We offer competative rates and flexible payment terms designed specifically for you. Learn more about our borrowing options by talking to one of our knowledgable lending staff.

  • Standard Loans - All regular loans bear the same variable interest rate. They are avaliable for personal, agricultural, and commercial use.
  • Savings Secured Loans - All loans secured by a savings deposit reap the benefit of a preferred interest rate.


Variable rate mortgages are available for residential, agricultural, and commercial purposes.These loans are open to pre-payment at any time with no penalty.

Lines of Credit


A line of credit is ideal for members who have fluctuating credit needs. A line of credit is connected to your chequing account and operates as a pre authorized overdraft. Interest accrues and is charged to your account at the end of the month. Personal, Agricultural and Commercial Lines of Credit are available. 

For additional information that could be helpful to your decision, please visit the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation website.


Get started today by filling out a loan application form and emailing it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by contacting us with any questions you may have. We will assist you with your borrowing needs in a timely, professional manner.

Deposits guaranteed 100% by the Deposit Guarantee Corporation of Manitoba