Savings Accounts

We want to help you grow your money. Whether your project is big or small, you can choose the right savings account to help you make your future reno, vacation or rainy day fund achievable.

Plan 24 Savings

Our Plan 24® savings account is excellent for short term or long term savings.

  • There is no minimum balance requirement.
  • Interest is calculated on a daily basis and is paid out annually.
  • Deposits are free as well as the first withdrawal for each month.  Subsequent withdrawals are subject to a service charge.

Both Canadian and US currency savings accounts are available.


High Yield Savings

This savings product is designed as a tiered savings to allow your interest to grow even faster as your savings balance grows.

  • Interest is calculated on the minimum monthly balance and is paid out annually. 

  • The first withdrawal each month is free.  Subsequent withdrawals are subject to a service charge.



All deposits guaranteed without limit by the Deposit Guarantee Corporation of Manitoba



Deposits guaranteed 100% by the Deposit Guarantee Corporation of Manitoba